Get to Know Carolina

Visitors and staff at Bishop Grady Villas, part of Magnify's residential community, are immediately drawn in by Carolina's sweet smile and friendly demeanor! With her warm and welcoming presence, she has been a valuable part of the Magnify community for eight years. Carolina is known as a social butterfly, but there is so much more to Carolina. Carolina has been able to flourish while living at the Villas. As a successful employee, dedicated volunteer, and talented cook, you will be inspired by her and the fantastic community around her.

Originally from Colombia, Carolina moved to Florida with her family and settled into life at the Villas in 2015. Here, she loves spending time with her friends, going on a good shopping trip with them, and visiting family on the weekends. Carolina has many passions in life, but one of her favorite things to do is dance. If you attend Magnify's Harvest Ball, you might find yourself dancing right alongside her! She's also a talented cook and specializes in Spanish cuisine.

But there is so much more to Carolina than just her fun side! Carolina participated in Magnify's Employment Program. After completing the program, she was hired at Wendy's, where she has been employed since June 2022. Despite her busy schedule, Carolina also makes time for Magnify's Like Skills Program, which she attends daily. She is firmly committed to learning and practicing new skills to increase independence.

Carolina's positive outlook on life is infectious. If you have the opportunity to spend time with her and her friends at Bishop Grady Villas, you will surely leave feeling inspired.


Summer Career Camp


Another month, another capitol